Accounting: Making Sure 2 + 2 = 4

Accounting: Making Sure 2 + 2 = 4

Three Essential Guidelines on Reducing Your Small Business Tax Expenses

Dwayne Barnes

If you are running a small business, it is essential to keep a close eye on you tax expenses. In general, tax bills can be high and overwhelming for your operation, especially if you have other significant costs such as loans and wages to handle. If you want to avoid compromising your profit margins, you must ensure that your taxes are prepared correctly. Moreover, you must find every possible opportunity to cut your total bills. Here are some simple guidelines to help you ensure that you save on your tax expenses.

Know Changes in Rules

You should know the latest changes in taxation for small business before tax time. Typically, the rules and regulations on taxation are modified periodically to match the changes in the national economics. Do not assume that your taxes should be prepared in the same way every year without confirmation. By keeping up with the rules, you will know about the rules that relate to your business. Consequently, you will avoid paying bills that you do not need to handle. Even if the changes are not favourable, you will avoid the legal and financial problems which can arise from filing your taxes wrongly.

Check Your Deductions

You should be keen on the acceptable deductions for your business. Deductions can cut your total expenses significantly, allowing you to expand your profit margins. Often, small business owners overlook some deductions because they seem minimal and insignificant. However, these small savings could mean a brighter future for your company. Therefore, you should pay attention to the obvious deductions as well as the seemingly inconsequential ones. The commonly overlooked deductions include bank fees, loan interests, accounting charges, prepaid expenses and losses on inventory. For the best results, make a comprehensive list of deductions before tax preparation.

Avoid Penalties

Finally, you should avoid the negative repercussions of filing your business taxes later. Numerous entrepreneurs are overwhelmed with running their commercial operations that they end up delaying this essential activity. Remember, if you present your tax return forms late, you might have to pay some significant fines. These can eat away at your profits and negate the benefits of deductions. If you are having genuine difficulties or challenges handling your taxes, you might be able to get an extension. Look into your local regulations on extensions in case there are extenuating circumstances preventing you from filing on time.

Tax preparation is a challenging process if you have no experience in the field. Therefore, consider hiring experienced accountants for the best taxation benefits.


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Accounting: Making Sure 2 + 2 = 4

Hello. When you are at school, maths can seem so complicated at first. But then you learn about numbers and all of sudden everything seems as easy as 2 + 2 = 4. I used to be pretty good at maths so when I started my own business, I didn't think I needed to hire an accountant. After all, why should I pay someone else to do something that I could do myself? However, I very quickly learnt two important lessons. Lesson one was that accounting and doing the books will take a lot longer than you might think and, secondly, it is actually pretty complex stuff. In the end, I decided to hire a professional accountant. He is great and he has taught me a lot of cool stuff.